Before discovering I was robbed this morning, I was reflecting on a potential blog topic about things that I´ve noticed have changed with me since coming to Panama - most of them for the better.
Changes to Lisa:
1. I eat, and actually enjoy now, a lot of white rice.
2. I am a lot more patient. I can think of a lot of examples, but lets just say that most involve children, culture shock or a candy bar.
3. I´m a lot more comfortable being alone with myself. At the beginning, I think I had too much time to think. Now, it´s not so bad. I´m pretty cool. *giggle* Although, I do realize that I need to learn how to quiet my mind.
4. I´m also a lot more comfortable being around Ben 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Which makes number 3 seem totally ironic. Let´s just say that going from our life in the states to being around each other constantly was a struggle at first.
5. I get a lot more male attention in this country. It makes me angry when I´m hissed at, called ¨joven,¨ my queen, baby, etc. I didn´t know this about myself before.
6. I don´t miss food much anymore. Along that line, I´ve had a lot of time to think about my food issues and wrestle with some demons.
7. I can speak Spanish! And a tiny bit of Ngöbere. That´s pretty cool.
8. Although I still really like having stuff to do, I am now fine with dedicating a day to a good book in the hammock.
9. I´m a lot more social in a community sense than I ever was or wanted to be in the states.
10. I feel a lot more appreciative of just about everything. It´s really easy to take so much for granted.
Now, how about some things that I miss... (and I think that it goes without saying that I miss family, friends, and Nikodemus ♥ )
1. Carpet. This may seem odd, but when I think of home, it´s one of the first things that comes to mind. I want to squish my toes in carpet. This is probably because my floor now best resembles a litter box.
2. Being able to follow just about any conversation. I can speak Spanish, but it´s not perfect by any means. I have to still piece things together at times, and if you throw in a conversation in Ngöbere, I just try to catch a verb here or there and laugh when appropriate.
3. Cold. Winter. Snow. Bundling up in lots of clothes.
4. An indoor toilet. Hell, a toilet for that matter. I´d still go outside for it if it flushed away the shit.
5. A dryer. Maybe this should be number 1. Clothes don´t dry here. Everything we have is at varying levels of moldiness.
6. A washer. Washing clothes in the campo sucks. I´m convinced nothing is ever really clean. Stupid mold.
7. Dryness (is that a word?).
8. Nice clothes. Dressing up. I think this experience is making the girly girl in me scream to come out. Oh how I used to hate dressing up for work. Now I´m a perpetual scrub. And now, a perpetually muddy scrub. Lets throw in cute shoes too. Although, I do love my rubber boots.
9. Good mexican food. Yeah, food was bound to show up somewhere.
10. A reliable power source. Charging my phone over the past two weeks has been ridiculously difficult.
Okay, one more. A bug-free environment. I´ll take those whimpy spiders and tiny crickets in Colorado again anyday. I killed the largest spider I´ve ever seen in my life the other night. While I do realize that I feel more like a badass for that, I´d just rather not have to do it!
This is turning out to be harder than thought. I guess the bottom line is that while I do miss things from home, I´m happy to be here, and I´ll have those things I miss again in the future. And if most of my personal changes end up being good ones, then I´m all the better for being here, and doing something I love.
You guys amaze me with how well you have adapted to life in Panama ! I admire you both so MUCH !! Those wimpy spiders are definitely NOT wimpy down there ! I'm proud of you for smacking the life out of it !! You GO GIRL ! and Ben wrestling Caimans - WOW ! Nikodemus is rather proud of his paretns !
Take care, be careful with the "wildlife" down there and keep up the GREAT work !
Love ya & miss ya,
Mom, Lady, Nikodemus, Daisy, Amigo, Nikki & Gordo
(((((Lisa)))))) It is so amazing what you have been through. You are truly one of a kind:)
I teared up reading the little things you miss:) It makes someone realize the little things that we take for granted as you said.
I'm glad that things are getting better for you and that you are able to learn some of the language. I can't imagine the bugs though! but it sounds like you are handling them suckers!!
I hope you can keep them at bay.
take care
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