We initially were supposed to swear in tomorrow, but things got shifted, and now we're swearing in today, this afternoon to be exact.
I had an interview yesterday with the Country Director and at the end I mentioned that we've been waiting for this day for a long time, and now that I've thought on that statement a little more, we really have.
We don't know the exact dates, but at some point many years ago we made the decision of whether to pursue the Peace Corps, or have a family. (And before that we talked about Peace Corps quite a bit). Obviously we chose Peace Corps. But that decision (in 2005?) set a lot of things in motion. Ben went back to school to get his degree and finished in December 2006. In January 2007 we sent off the first paper applications. May 2007 we had our first interviews with a Peace Corps recruiter. August 2007 we got our nomination to Latin America for the following year. In October we put our house on the market, and we closed on it in February. In March, Ben was medically deferred for 8 months, meaning we would miss our program. We appealed the decision and it was approved! In June we were facing the end of our lease on the apartment and had no news, but then we got our invitations to Panama!
August 10th we flew to Miami for staging, and August 13th, we set foot in Panama for the first time. Now, we've been here for over 2 months, we've learned a lot about Panama, Panamanians, their culture, a lot more Spanish, more technical skills, and of course a lot about ourselves. We both feel incredibly lucky and happy to be sitting here today (many years later), literally fulfilling one of the dreams that we've shared together for such a long time. YAY!!!
WOW !! Congratulations !! I am SO PROUD of you both for showing the devotion and determination to finally arrive at this day and embark on your new adventures in helping others. It was always a dream of mine too that someday I would serve in the Peace Corps - we'll see this getting old is a bit limiting and scary at times !
I know how many hoops you jumped thru, papers you filled out and weird vaccines and shots you had to receive to finally get to this moment - so CELEBRATE and ENJOY !! My love and prayers are with you - ALWAYS !!!
Mom : ))
Horray Mom & Dad !!!
That menas I only have to patiently wait for a little over 2 years for you to come back to me !!
I started digging a hole in the back yard to find you and Grandma told me you are not in China ! I am not sure where Panama is but I sure do miss you & love you & I will wait for your return !!
Be careful and take good care of each other ! I love you & miss you !!
Licks and paws !!
Nikodemus :->
I am so happy and proud of you both for following your dreams and seeing them come true! What a wonderful day! Here's to many more adventures and to sharing and making so many exciting memories together!
Best always!~
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